Telecommunication companies

One of the most pressing issues of our campaigns for telecommunications, is a good and timely notification of potential customers about their options. Without quality information is almost impossible to establish large-scale sale of their services to consumers. Also quite difficult to organize a really good-quality tech-support. It’s no secret that in order to call for help, at least for a consultation for your issue, customers sometimes have to give this much time.

Not being required for the organization of all the resources, the campaign significantly reduces their chances to achieve customer loyalty.

Solution with Strommontazh

A wide range of call center Strommontazh include a feature service order “Finding new customers.” This service is meant by a call-up prospects who for some reason still not aware of the possibility of your campaign, or at all are consumers of services of your direct competitors. A central concern of such canvassing is to gather information about potential clients, as well as providing them with general information about your campaign. Agree that having no initial information about the client itself, you will be much less likely to offer him something that really interested him.

Approach to the issue with a tech-support through our call center, you can guarantee your success. The thing is that we will pick up the operating structure, with special training and specialized education for the required product or service.


Выбранные параметры

Число пролетов в поперечном разрезе:

Тип кровли:

Длина: м

Ширина: м

Высота: м (до низа несущих конструкций)

Толщина плиты: мм

Итого: 4 000.00

Цены даны с учетом НДС 18%

*стоимость доставки и монтажа указана ориентировочная, детальный расчёт может быть выполнен только после обследования участка строительства!
  • несущие рамы силового каркаса на этапе изготовления проходят контрольную сборку на стапелях;
  • альбомы стадий АС, КЖ, КМ, КМД, раскладка ограждающих конструкций – не оплачиваются и входят в комплект здания;
  • выезд специалиста на строительную площадку для проведения шефмонтажа – не оплачивается;
  • для разработки проекта стадии КЖ потребуется информация о геологии и геодезии участка застройки;
Дополнительные услуги:
– 5% скидка на комплект несущего каркаса при следующем заказе (срок действия неограничен)

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