
Металлические лестницыStairs take up quite a large load, so must be reliable. And this did not work better than a material like metal, which is able to provide not only reliable, but also safety.

Металлические лестницы

Metal stairs at all times, very popular. National recognition ladder got through the strength and practicality of metal, and the metal structure refinement.

The company “Strommontazh” manufactures custom metal stairs for home and for organizations and industries. It should be noted that the stairs for home and public organizations are very different design that is able to blend into the facade of the building is any plan.

In our company, the production processes are subject to strict control in order to design and manufacture of metal stairs guaranteed comfort and safety during their operation.

It should be noted that the industrial ladder in the design require structural strengthening as their operation in the future will be in tough conditions. That is why industrial stairs do not have visual appeal, but their characteristics are not equal.

Production of metal stairs

Production of metal stairs in our company is the implementation of all recommendations and design imagination of customers. You can buy ready-made or order metal, selecting optimal variant of the mass of available pictures in the catalog. It is also possible to order the design steps for further production.

All made by us, outside and inside metal ladders are conveniently located rail that secures the use of both adults and children.

Metal doors have features and benefits:

  • Incredible durability.
  • Increased durability.
  • Fire resistance.

We are ready to fulfill any of the stairs on the drawing or design of the customer, while ensuring reliability, quality and accurate compliance with all requirements


Выбранные параметры

Число пролетов в поперечном разрезе:

Тип кровли:

Длина: м

Ширина: м

Высота: м (до низа несущих конструкций)

Толщина плиты: мм

Итого: 4 000.00

Цены даны с учетом НДС 18%

*стоимость доставки и монтажа указана ориентировочная, детальный расчёт может быть выполнен только после обследования участка строительства!
  • несущие рамы силового каркаса на этапе изготовления проходят контрольную сборку на стапелях;
  • альбомы стадий АС, КЖ, КМ, КМД, раскладка ограждающих конструкций – не оплачиваются и входят в комплект здания;
  • выезд специалиста на строительную площадку для проведения шефмонтажа – не оплачивается;
  • для разработки проекта стадии КЖ потребуется информация о геологии и геодезии участка застройки;
Дополнительные услуги:
– 5% скидка на комплект несущего каркаса при следующем заказе (срок действия неограничен)

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