Automotive industry

Such a serious structure as automotive industry requires a special approach in all directions. With no well-established system of informing consumers of the business, the owner of a firm can never reach the desired result. If we take vehicle service stations as an example, high-quality information here will make a significant contribution to the overall success of the business. In today’s world almost every adult has a personal means of transport movement, so it has become a difficult task to serve everyone in due time.

Solution with Strommontazh

The optimal solution of this problem of informing potential customers of your car dealership will be cooperation with the call center of Strommontazh. SMS information service during the day will notify all existing customers of your company on the new proposal for them, this will ensure customer loyalty and trigger repeat purchases. At the moment it is the most effective way to convey information to the person as billboards and radio do not attract attention any more.

One of the greatest strengths of Strommontazh is the attraction of new customers. The specialists of our contact center in the field of telemarketing will expand your customer base by creating a good foundation for future sales.

Using the possibilities of the service “Ordering”, any vehicle service station will be able to quickly and easily find a common language as well as negotiate with clients who are at a distance from the station and need help. A driver will be able to make a call which will provide him with information on available places at the station. Placing your order in advance is the easiest way to organize the fastest customer service.


Выбранные параметры

Число пролетов в поперечном разрезе:

Тип кровли:

Длина: м

Ширина: м

Высота: м (до низа несущих конструкций)

Толщина плиты: мм

Итого: 4 000.00

Цены даны с учетом НДС 18%

*стоимость доставки и монтажа указана ориентировочная, детальный расчёт может быть выполнен только после обследования участка строительства!
  • несущие рамы силового каркаса на этапе изготовления проходят контрольную сборку на стапелях;
  • альбомы стадий АС, КЖ, КМ, КМД, раскладка ограждающих конструкций – не оплачиваются и входят в комплект здания;
  • выезд специалиста на строительную площадку для проведения шефмонтажа – не оплачивается;
  • для разработки проекта стадии КЖ потребуется информация о геологии и геодезии участка застройки;
Дополнительные услуги:
– 5% скидка на комплект несущего каркаса при следующем заказе (срок действия неограничен)

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