Marketing / Research Agency
Marketing and research agencies need to process large amounts of information. Study of consumer behavior and consumer preferences, studies in advertising and quantitative market research, qualitative research and work skills of staff … The range of work of collecting and processing information is enormous, and the cost of such events are even bigger. Given the fact that today more and more businesses are forced to turn to marketing and research agencies, we can firmly say that the number of your customers is increasing, and therefore the scope and power of research significantly increase because each person requires time and resources, both technical and human. It is necessary to manage to do everything, the time frame is narrowed, and customers, in their turn, do not want to wait.
Existing solutions
One of the few solutions to this problem is to increase the capacity and operations of the agency. This means to recruit qualified staff, to buy new equipment, in other words permanent investments…
Solution with Strommontazh
Solve this problem, saving material resources and time, by using hosted contact center of Strommontazh. Using the techniques of mass dialing, call center operators can make more than two thousand of successful calls per day. Phone scripts, made with account for the peculiarities of the research and experience, enable to quickly gather the required information and reduce it to a convenient form of reporting. You can watch the results of outgoing calls in online mode and make adjustments in the process of the research. Such a flexible approach to work makes it possible to achieve the best results in any endeavor.