Base Station for qualified resources

Strommontazh is the supplier of choice for network infrastructures on the Ukrainian market.

Our specialists are outsourced at Operators, Vendors and Turnkey contractors for designing, constructing and managing networks. Strommontazh also perform full-scale projects in this field. Infrastructure demands qualified resources The company is fully up-to-date with the developments in infrastructure solutions – solutions that continue at lightning pace. This is true for both Telecom and other sectors. For this reason, our partners are continually on the lookout for qualified resources for achieving optimal solutions.

Strommontazh is the base station where all our clients come for resources.

And the base station for those looking for a career within our services. At Strommontazh, supply and demand come together and we consider it our job to always find the most suitable solution – for people as well as projects.

Working directly and indirectly for MTS, Kyivstar, People Net, Utel, Datagroup and others

Our clients such as MTS, Kyivstar, People Net, Utel are always looking to improve existing services and to develop new ones. This demands changes and new infrastructures. We are intimately involved in all these processes and provide both services and staff. We warmly invite qualified people interested in making a direct or indirect contribution to an improved infrastructure for telecom or one of the other sectors where we are active to consult our vacancies and register.

Strommontazh outsources people in development Strommontazh is always looking for specialists.

For our own teams and for outsourcing at our clients. We offer excellent working conditions in which challenges and personal development are key. That’s why people want to work for and via Strommontazh.
Our enjoyment comes from our satisfied clients and the growth of our company.
Our people work in the following disciplines:

-Project management

-Site Acquisition


-Radio planning

-Radio Performance and optimisation

-Construction project management

-Site engineering

Property management

-Service support

-Sales & Marketing

-Installation services



Выбранные параметры

Число пролетов в поперечном разрезе:

Тип кровли:

Длина: м

Ширина: м

Высота: м (до низа несущих конструкций)

Толщина плиты: мм

Итого: 4 000.00

Цены даны с учетом НДС 18%

*стоимость доставки и монтажа указана ориентировочная, детальный расчёт может быть выполнен только после обследования участка строительства!
  • несущие рамы силового каркаса на этапе изготовления проходят контрольную сборку на стапелях;
  • альбомы стадий АС, КЖ, КМ, КМД, раскладка ограждающих конструкций – не оплачиваются и входят в комплект здания;
  • выезд специалиста на строительную площадку для проведения шефмонтажа – не оплачивается;
  • для разработки проекта стадии КЖ потребуется информация о геологии и геодезии участка застройки;
Дополнительные услуги:
– 5% скидка на комплект несущего каркаса при следующем заказе (срок действия неограничен)

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